A successful event is your #1 priority

That makes it Mike’s ultimate priority

Setting and hitting Expectations

Stage 1 | Connect

The initial step is setting up a solid communication channel. Once you’ve contacted our office we will confirm Mike’s availability for your event. At this time we’ll also determine the specific fit for your event to determine if you’ll need any of his virtual capabilities before or after the event. Setting your expectations as early as possible will ensure a smooth process. If we agree that he could be a fit for your event, we can put a temporary lock on a date for you at no charge. 

Stage 2 | Warm-up Call

Soon after the connection, we’ll have an introductory call that will help us refine your expectations and discuss options that are available to you. We also like to learn as much as possible about your, organization, event, audience and objectives. Mike wants to be part of your team and deliver a message that resonates with and impacts your audience. 

Stage 3 | Confirmation

Once you have determined that Mike is a fit for your event, a non-refundable 50% deposit of the fee will be required to lock down the date. At that point we’ll step through some simple paperwork to make sure we’re on the same page and start fine-tuning the details for your event.

Final payment for his services will be due no later than 20 days prior to the event. Travel cost will be added to the final bill and are covered in a $1,250 plus hotel flat rate. This saves us from dealing with additional billing and confusion. 

stage 4 | Pre-Event Huddle

Within 2 to 3 weeks of the event (or earlier if desired), Mike would like to have a quick Zoom meeting with you or some of your team members to discuss any customizations you feel would be appropriate for your audience. He wants the final presentation to be outstanding and customized to fit your unique expectations. 

Stage 5 | The Big Day

Mike likes to arrive as early as feasible – the night before his time slot if possible. And, if there is a possibility of attending some of your event prior to his time slot, it helps him get in tune with your organization and audience. This is not a requirement but has proven to help him acclimate to your organization and its culture.

Meeting with your AV team is also critical as soon as possible to ensure everything is synced up and ready to perform. 

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